
  • Encouraging
  • Unpredictable
  • Sporadic miraculous results


Any references/testimonials further we request you to understand the science and don’t be carried by testimonials as theses can be generated fake


80% (8 of 10 ) experienced improvements

  • Direct correlation between positive outcome and   Age , Number of stem cells administered  and frequency. (less then 8 yr age –positive outcome)
  • Improved cognition and sensory processing
  • Improved attention span
  • Improved motor skills and coordination
  • More confident
  • Reduced hyperactivity
  • Improved ability to socialize with others
  • Meaningless play has reduced
  • Hand and finger motor skill improvement
  • Improved handwriting
  • Improved speech
  • Eating more independently


Cerebral Palsy

  • Overall, 60% improved
  • decrease in arm and hand spasticity 70%
  • improvements in hand and finger motor skills, coordination 60%
  • Cognitive improvements materialized after about 3  months and physical improvements started after 6 months.
  • Leg and foot coordination improved in  50%
  • reduced lower limb  spasticity  50%
  • able to walk  40 %
  • Speech improved in almost 60% of patients.
  • improved cognition 20 %
  • attention span and ability to engage others 20%

With optic nerve atrophy In subacute phase –75 % success rate

we have seen significant  benefits  varying between 40 -60 % depending on duration of the disease,age of the patient. Unfortunately, it’s impossible beforehand to give any prognosis and forecasts about the treatment outcomes with precise accuracy as in every case the patient’s dynamics is very individual and depends on number of factors.


Our experience and results in  AVN, Delayed and Nonunion, OA knee (placebo controlled study).

Osteoarthritis of knee –

Results: Results: Baseline characteristics were similar between the two  groups.  WOMAC scores were significantly decreased from 24 week   onwards of treatment,

The pain free distance covered during a 6 minute walk was significantly improved by 122 feet & 146 feet over time on treatment within the mineral supplement group compared to    46 and 52 feet in placebo .   18 ( )patients showed improvement of 100 feet in  one year  treatment  as compared to  11 ( ) patients for placebo group. 25%  lower use of  of  Rescue medication at least once a week (Paracetamol with dosing limited to 4 × 500 mg per day ) was required by   pts in ctmd  group  as  compared to placebo .

JSW  however joint space width was maintained better in CTMD group The percentage of patients with a progression >0.05 mm was 16.8% and 21.3% (p = 0.90) inCTMD  and placebo groups, respectively. No difference was seen in the Kellgren and Lawrence score and the osteophyte score between the groups.

Ultrasonologicaly, at one year  -cartilage thickness improved by at least 0.01 mm in 7 () patients of CTMD group as against 4 patients (8%) who lost thickness at least by 0.01 mm. In placebo, only 2 patients (4%) had improved thickness whereas 11 patients () lost thickness by at least 0.01mm.

Only 4 more people with difference of 8% experienced side effects with CTMD than with placebo (14  people out of 50 Vs  10 out of 50 )


Spinal cord injury – go to page on sci


  • Changes of the forced vital capacity (upper panel) and of the
  • ALS-FRS score (lower panel) in the 9-month period of natural history observation and
  • after transplantation. The arrow indicates the time of MSCs transplantation